2020 can be a year of bounty if we choose gratitude and choose consciousness. An unexpected sunspot, a walk with a friend, an experience crossed off our “Bucket List”; can add richness to life if we engage our intention. However, when we’re not feeling our best, in our body or our mind, it’s harder to notice what we have and what we love.

You may not know this but Acupuncture is a powerful tool for increasing your appreciation for the magic that exists in your day to day life. Whether you have never tried Acupuncture before or are a seasoned client, move it to the top of your self -care practice and make it a priority this year. Here are some persuasive reasons to use Acupuncture and have an amazing year:

1. Increase Self-Awareness

Acupuncture addresses how your body’s imbalances affect your whole system. When one aspect is not functioning well, many systems can be affected. Understanding that you are a complex, interconnected system provides perspective on your physical and emotional challenges. Acupuncture deepens your awareness of the factors that are contributing to your health and well-being and mirrors the complexity we find in the greater world. Seeing this
contributes to a higher consciousness and self-awareness.

2. Strengthen your immune system.

Acupuncture optimizes your immunity by opening all the channels and pathways that your body uses to ward off illness. Stress,  over-work, and seasonal changes are just some of the factors that jam up the lanes. Committing to Seasonal Acupuncture is the most powerful preventative you can engage. For a two-minute acupressure routine for boosting immunity, click here.

Floatation Therapy

3. Flatten your stomach.

Acupuncture provides a new way of looking at digestive disorders. Good Digestion is primarily a function of the Spleen and Stomach. We are not just discussing the digestion of food – this is also about the way we process our thoughts. Over thinking, like over eating, results in difficulty with digestion. Regular Acupuncture can support clarity of thought as well as cure the bloat and discomfort resulting from less than perfect eating. A beneficial result would not just relieve the discomfort but lead to clearer thinking and healthier food choices. For self-care tips to stop  bloating, go here.

4. Engage Thankfulness

Acupuncture models the philosophy that we already have everything we need. During an Acupuncture Treatment nothing is added or taken away – rather the body is reminded of what it already has: the ability to self-heal. Likewise in life we can focus on current possessions that serve us so well rather than purchasing something new. We don’t have to buy/spend/add. Acupuncture shows us how to be grateful for the power we hold within and the bounty we already possess

5. Become Comfortable with Solitude

Acupuncture is subtle. The experience of becoming aware of where the needle is placed vs where the energy travels in the body demands your attention to subtle internal shifts. This  experience of listening deep within ourselves can help us become more comfortable with solitude. 90 minutes on the table during a  nurturing and relaxing Acupuncture session can actually inspire us to put down our phones, turn off our screens and give attention
to how we are feeling. So much of our addiction to our phones is about our uneasiness with solitude. Regular Acupuncture taken intentionally to disconnect from technology is a practice worth committing to.

6. Look youthful

Acupuncture revitalizes all your systems— Kidney, Spleen, Liver,  Lung, and Heart — so that you are healthier and look rejuvenated on the outside too. Our skin is where the signs of aging appear first. Facial acupuncture is a natural alternative to Botox and acne medications and is becoming more popular everywhere. This is one vanity concern we can get behind – by stimulating your body’s ability to heal Acupuncture can make you look years younger!

7. Free Yourself from Chronic Pain

We are not just talking about physical pain, but emotional pain as well. Acupuncture has long been considered the first solution to physical pain due to its ability to release endorphins and serotonin and improve circulation to afflicted regions of the body as well as release contracted muscles. Emotional pain is often  lodged in the body and experienced as physical pain. Acupuncture is stellar at triggering emotional releases that free
you from pain caused by emotional trauma.

8. Restore Healthy Sleep

Interrupted sleep contributes to a cascade of health issues. For many, a good night’s sleep is illusive. Insomnia can be caused by a multitude of complex reasons, but the good news is almost everyone reports better sleep after Acupuncture. A series of Acupuncture treatments can actually put to rest your old struggles with sleep. To explore Acupuncture perspectives on how to deal with insomnia, go here.

9. Rediscover your energy and desire for sex

A Complex web of factors contribute to why we experience fatigue and its by-product, low-libido. Suffering from chronically low-libido has devastating effects on our relationships, causing a cycle of dysfunction. Acupuncture can restore your energy and help you find your desire again, resulting in a powerful positive cascade of outcomes.

10. Open your Mind.

Acupuncture is still exotic in most places in United States. Although it is thousands of years old, still the most commonly used system of healthcare in the world, and covered by many Health Insurance Companies. Engaging in the world of Energy Medicine, which Acupuncture certainly is, encourages you to see the world in new ways. Entertain an experience that feels adventurous, provides you with interesting conversation and stretches your understanding of what health care is.

Can Acupuncture improve your sex life